Email Alerts
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FixedAsset Pro comes with several email alert options which can be run manually via command line, or more typically on a cron job (Linux) or scheduled task (IIS).
Most of these settings are managed in Settings > Notifications, however self-hosted users will need to set up a cron job to trigger the alerts.
An expiring items alert will be sent when/if there are assets those warranties are about to expire, or if you have licenses that are about to reach their expired date.
Inventory alerts will be triggered when an accessory, consumable or component is reaching the inventory threshold specified in your settings.
Expected checkin alerts will fire if an asset is at or approaching the date that was specified as the expected checkin.
Audit Due / Overdue Alerts will provide a list of assets that are due or overdue for auditing based on the Audit Threshold set in Admin Settings > Notifications.